Srila Prabhupada, His Movement & You

Servants of Prabhupada Forever

From Hansadutta das
10 February 1995

Dear Sriman Pandit Prabhu:

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I received your letter dated September 16, 1994, with the enclosed news article, dated July 24, 1994 and also your letter of January 1, 1995. I do agree with you about the Gopimania business. I really don’t have much time for this kind of thing anymore either, and I prefer to direct my energy towards the innocent public, who need to hear Srila Prabhupada’s message and can appreciate his greatness by reading his books. For the past few years I felt compelled to address the subject of guru, rittvik and its corollaries, but this was done mainly for my own purification and to satisfy Srila Prabhupada and the world-wide community of devotees. I felt that I had to completely bare my soul and beg the devotees to forgive me for all the offenses I committed to them and to Srila Prabhupada.

The example of the concentric circles in terms of various services devotees may render to Krishna is completely applicable. However, we always approach Krishna through the spiritual master. So the concentric circles must emanate from the center, who is Srila Prabhupada, the Sampradaya Acharya. I know that this point continues to remain controversial in the community of devotees, but it is essential, without which we will continue to see overlapping circles of service on account of deducting Srila Prabhupada as the center, or the hub of the wheel of the Vaishnava community. Innumerable spokes can be attached to the hub of the wheel and thus carry the weight, but without the hub, the spokes have no standing. If the worldwide community of devotees is ever to come into that concentric harmony, it must recognize Srila Prabhupada as the Sampradaya Acharya and all others as his representatives. The rittvik is also a guru, but he plainly and clearly presents himself as the representative of the Acharya, thus keeping unity and harmony in the world-wide community of devotees, and a mission that can function far and wide, without overlapping circles. Anyway, I’m sure you understand all this.

When I read your letter, I can feel how soft and kind and considerate you are. You were always that way, as I remember you, and I very much appreciate you writing me. I know that I hurt all the devotees deeply, and I will always suffer under that reaction. I hope someday your wife, Nityarupa, will see it in her heart to forgive me. I was foolish, arrogant and very ambitious and insensitive to the sincerity of the devotees. I am very, very sorry that I behaved in such a callous and destructive way.

It’s good to hear that some serious devotees have come to your area and are preaching Krishna consciousness. I have heard about Rasananda Swami and that he is a very nice devotee. Regarding the newspaper article you sent me, what can I say about it except that it appears to be repeat of something we saw in our earlier days? I also don’t care to enter into controversy regarding the different camps and activities and conclusions of the devotees. It is better to avoid controversy and do positive preaching work. If someone actually puts an obstacle in the path, then of course we have to breathe fire, but otherwise, let everyone preach according to their realization and enthusiasm. Krishna will sort it all out in the end. Again, I thank you very much for writing, and I ask you please excuse me for not replying earlier. I hope this letter meets you and your wife well. If you have a computer and an E-mail address, please let me know what it is. I think devotees should utilise the computer network and communicate worldwide, in this way developing Nama Hatta and by-passing the power structure of the institution. Hari bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Your humble servant,
Hansadutta das

From Hansadutta das
10 February 1995

Dear Bhakta das Prabhu:

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for your letter dated January 2, 1995. I’m sorry for not replying earlier, but I’m just downright lazy when it comes to correspondence, and incompetent on top of that. I’m glad that you liked the Gopimania Nama Hatta newsletter.

From your letter to me and letters written to Yashodanandan Prabhu and Puranjana Prabhu I can understand that you have had some shift in your conviction regarding Srila Prabhupada’s last instruction—”Act as rittvik of the acharya.” For me, the matter is quite simple, since Srila Prabhupada actually did name me on his letter of July 9, 1977, to act as rittvik representative of the acharya. He also reiterated in two letters following, plus I noted in a number of conversations he reiterated the same instructions by referring to the rittviks as deputies and representatives. At no time did Srila Prabhupada indicate to me, either by letter or in person, that I should act as a guru-acharya. So although there are heaps of controversies in this connection coming from all sides, the matter is settled, since I have been burnt once and am not about to be burned again. It is better to err on the side of caution, or “fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” Besides all the rhetoric regarding the guru and rittvik issues, common sense would tell us that if we simply carry ourselves as the servant of the spiritual master forever, we cannot go wrong. A rittvik representative of the acharya is definitely a servant. I think Prabhupada specified that his disciples should act as rittvik representatives of the acharya and initiate on his behalf because if he didn’t say that, they would go and lose their head, thinking they were more than they actually were worth. This is in fact what happened. If a person were actually acharya and a pure devotee, liberated from the influence of material nature and absorbed in full love of Krishna, there would be no need to tell such a person to act as the representative of the acharya. He would understand it perfectly well and act accordingly, never thinking himself to be the proprietor of a number of disciples for his personal prestige and material comforts.

Anyway, we have gone over all these points hundreds of times. Unlike many other devotees, for me it is not a topic of logic, reason or argument or even philosophy. It is my direct realization, born of the fire of ordeal.

As far as Puri Maharaja is concerned, my association with him in this regard, when we were all together in Vrindavan, confirmed my realizations. If he has now taken an opposing view, that is his prerogative, and I see no fault in him or you. Unfortunately, I think some of the devotees will become irritated with you and perhaps also with Puri Maharaja, but I want you to know that I have no such feelings, because my mind and heart are completely settled in this regard. It does not depend on your argument, positive or negative, and if Srila Puri Maharaja felt it was an important matter for me to reconsider, I’m sure he would write me a letter and guide me accordingly.

At any rate, I hope that you are well and blissful in Krishna consciousness. Please offer my humble obeisances to Guru Kripa and all the devotees there with you. Perhaps we can meet again soon. If you have an E-mail address on your computer, please let me know what it is. I think that serious Nama Hatta devotees world-wide should be networked through the Internet, and in this way enthuse one another in Krishna consciousness. I hope this letter meets you well.

Your humble servant,
Hansadutta das

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